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CBD SKINCREAM 30ml – Full Spectrum

CBD SKINCREAM 30ml – Full Spectrum


This natural cream is intended for external use and is suitable for daily use on any skin type.


Instructions for use

Lubricate the cream with massaging movements on the area or areas of the skin to be treated. Repeat this, if desired and depending on the severity of the complaints, several times a day.CBD cream can help with various skin problems and is suitable for all skin types, even for the most sensitive, chapped, irritated or tender skin.Some applications of the CBD cream: Provides an overall support in the skin's healing capacityIncreases the vitality of the skin. Can be used with dry or sensitive skin. Effective with a red or irritated skin. Works soothing with a chapped or rough skin. For the care of tired, or stiff muscles. For the care of heavily loaded muscles and tendons and for the maintenance of flexible joints. For the care and also softening of the skin in case of insect bites or jellyfish bites. For the treatment of warts, corns, chaps and callusesProvides a soothing effect in blister formationWorks soothing after sunburn. Can be used on diaper rash. Can be used on cracked nipples


Composition: CBD extract,Olive oil, Beeswax

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